Mortgaging Your Home

Home Mortgages:
Know the Process and know your rights!
You've been looking at houses for months and months, and you have finally found it--the house that's just right. Now, you're anxious to buy your new home, move in, and get settled. But you still have an important task ahead of you--getting a mortgage loan.
This website explains about dealing with mortgage lenders. It tells you where to look, what to look for, and what takes place when you apply for a mortgage. Knowing what to expect, especially if you are a first-time homebuyer, may make it easier for you to get through the process.
You'll also learn about your legal rights to fair lending and what you have a right to expect in fair treatment. The Fair Housing Act and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act make it unlawful for a lender to decide whether you qualify for a loan, or to offer less favorable terms, for reasons such as your race, national origin or sex and other prohibited factors.
If you believe you have been unlawfully discriminated against by a lender, or have questions about the treatment you have received, this site also tells you where to file a complaint.
How to Shop for a Mortgage
Find out how to find a broker or a mortgage lender and find the best mortgage
The Mortgage Application Process
Learn how to apply for a mortgage and what to expect
Your Rights as a Mortgage Customer
Learn about how to detect and report fraud and how to find a mortgage with bad credit.